Wednesday, 11 August 2010

A good and useful day.

We met with our lovely helpful translator and the chief technical director from the Cave this morning. We learnt more in 2 hours than we have in all the time we've been here and now have a semi formulatedd plan for re-planting.
They're coming to do a soil sample after the vendage and we know we have black measles on some of our vines.

We have another meeting with another chap to join a CUMA on Friday.

Also today we've pulled down several fences and I knocked down a small brick wall with a sledgehammer, which in my head was done with more style and controlled sledge hammer weilding than was actually the case!

Then finished up with the weds night 6pm French class.

All good.

Sunday, 1 August 2010


It seems that one of the things that a person with a vineyard dreads is hail and what did we have this morning... hail.

Admittedly not for very long and they were not very big but time will tell.

At least as P points out we hadn't trimmed the vines so they might have had a little protection.

Fingers crossed.

On the plus side,as a result, we have found a good useful website from of all places Michigan State University.