This week has seen the start of the new regime in an attempt to get more done and not stay in bed till 10am!
I'd like it noted for the record that I managed all week, P on the other hand made it to Weds when he rolled out of bed at 11am.
This week has been pretty productive with the following tasks completed:
1:Wire brushed the spare room and re-applied dust stopping treatment... hopefully visitors will no longer find bits of stone in their bed.
2:More mortar removed from the gite end.
3:Kitchen floor started to be taken up in the gite.
4:Intention to arracher form completed and M. Labat booked for pruning lesson next week.
5:Windows and doors measured for new ones.
6: Also been census-ed by a very frustrated lady... done for the next 10 yrs.
The girls arrive tomorrow... yay yay yay!