Yesterday P found a lamb under the pile of piquets, obviously very young and seeing as the sheep had left the neighbouring field on the Sat, very hungry.
We brought him up to the house, he was pathetically light and skinny and still appeared to have him umbilical cord.
P tried to get some milk down him using a rubber glove that didn't work but then we found a technique involving a pipette and a choice of fingers.
Bless him was very shaky and fell asleep in my arms several times but perked up and followed me around the house. We drove him over to Robin's to try and find the shepherd.. who wasn't there. It was the most astonishing house though with loads of dogs, puppys with their eyes still shut, the bigest pig I've ever seen and a stupendously ugly turkey. I wasn't going to leave him there with no sign of his mother so he came home again.
To cut the story short I managed to call the shepherd and they turned up to collect him at 11pm.
We called him Norbert, and we hope he's ok and his mother has welcomed him back!