Monday 20 September 2010


It's arrived!

This week has been pretty busy, P and I went to help with the Rosé harvest at the Chateux that belongs to the co=op and after that I've spent hours reversing with the tractor dreading this morning as it was going to be just P and myself after the president of the CUMA had gone to do a tasting. As it was I didn't have to do much driving and just took the tractor down through the vines to meet the vendage machine.

We have harvested most of the whites, although there is a small problem with the parcelle out the front as the lines are a curious and random mix of red and white. So for two rows of that I walked backwards in front of the machine signaling to Mikael when to turn the batons off.

It's hard to impress how noisy and mechanical it all is, so un-romantic, but it's still pretty amazing to see your grapes flow out of the back of the vast machine into the precisely positioned trailer.

I went up on top of the machine for a couple of rows. The cab has a glass floor so the driver can see where he's going and it appears to adjust in every direction.

Think I'll stick to practicing reversing with the benne!

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