Thursday, 26 January 2012

Electric secateurs and pig slaughtering party.

Well we have electric secateurs  and I love them. They have given me a new lease of pruning life. It helps also that I'm currently in the newer vines and they are so much easier to prune.

Anyway I love my secateurs they make pruning, maybe not a joy, but definitely more pleasant.

The less joyous thing this week was next doors having the "slaughter-a-pig-party" and my being outside whilst they did it. P and I were wrestling with roots out the front and I knew it was going to happen as the regular collection of cars turned up, the bench was wheeled out and I ignored it all, thinking I should not be so woosey.. I like bacon, what can I say. I just wish I hadn't turned round as the pig was being led towards to wall and wasn't liking it. I spent quite a while walking the vines with my headphones in breathing heavily through my nose. The earphones weren't quite enough to block out the moment itself either...

I could be vegetarian without too much grief... but then I also live in the least vegetarian country in the world. On the other hand, it had a good life, a pretty speedy death (tazor would have helped I feel) and they will use every single bit of it. Could the same be said of supermarket pork?

Anyway the secateurs are brilliant!

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