Sunday, 29 April 2012

On fending off shepherds and the kindness of neighbours.

Our lovely neighbour, David, who is largely incomprehensible to me 90 % of the time, turned up on the doorstep this morning, asking (I think) if we had given permission to the shepherd currently erecting his fencing on our field.

I stumbled through several poorly constructed sentences (he has that effect on me, I can't understand him and therefore I can't understand myself) the result of which was David striding towards them and suggesting, at full volume, that they leave now.

All good except that the shepherd then came towards me wanting to know if I really meant it. I managed better with him, explaining that because of the vines and also that, whilst I didn't know if it was him, the last time we had sheep on the field no-one had asked and it was a little impolite. I did also say that I knew it was difficult to find places for them to put their sheep but I was sorry... and I may even have shrugged!

What he probably understood though was a lot of random words, not put together in any kind of sentence, and that is why I'm especially grateful for David's torrent of abuse which meant he had the general meaning before he got anywhere near me... and why also the sheep are back under next-doors trees, which frankly is probably, where they'd rather be given the current inclement weather conditions.

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