They came bearing gin, chocolate,tea bags and anchovies and left bearing pineau, sausage, pasta !!!???, and more sausage.
They wrestled piquets out of the ground, tied in all the vines, did a spot of pruning, moved plastic sleeves from A to B to C and moved new piquets. Z even joined the running group. I suspect they're knackered and never want to see another piquet again.
We also did "ski-sock" wine tasting which has evolved since the first time to involve 6 different wines in six different coloured ski-socks (how sophisticated are we?) and a table of information and guided tasting. I think people enjoyed themselves and my aunt in particular excelled herself. It came out spectacularly in our co-ops favour with maximum points being scored by our own wine. Not a fix at all! Maximum points go to R though who decided that not only was our home brew the most expensive but also the strongest!
P... is it finished yet?
Z refusing to be beaten by a piquet.
Plastic sleeve shuffling
Ski sock tasting.
Nonchalant tractor riding.
Just a few piquets.
Less nonchalant riding.
Hefting new piquets.
B doing a spot of relaxed tractor driving.
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