Monday 21 November 2011

admin mondays

Not a lot has happened really, plodding along. The weather is still really mild and it's till pretty sunny. We are trying to stick to a proper routine or it's just too easy to not do anything.

I've also re-instated admin Monday's to keep on top of the piles of crud that build up and wrestle the paperwork under control. Boring but it does stop me sobbing over the accounts later in the year.

P almost has the doors finished and I'm on wall number 3 in the gite, which is proving far more obstinate than the other two, typical.

I've started using the lathe and have to say love it, although it can be a little scary...

All much the same really.

1 comment:

  1. You sound a little hum drum poppet. You OK there? The idea of Admin Monday's is a great one ... I hide from my admin and really only get to it when the deadline approaches or F tells me off about the large stack of papers on my desk!
    We think of you often!!
    Love and thoughts,
