Wednesday 8 February 2012

Warmth and colds.

Why is it that it's when you feel less-than-brilliant, things go wrong. We've given up trying to fix the heating until it warms up enough for the pipes to not be frozen and have borrowed lots of plug in heaters.

Last night we shut ourselves in the sitting room with the shutters closed and the best heater and were warm as toast, we watched the last episodes of Brideshead revisited, (thanks B it's fabulous). I crocheted and all was well with the world.

This morning when I feel particularly cotton-wool headed and full of phlegm (delightful) the hot water wasn't working, which meant P did alot of ineffectual marching about and stomping, which he always needs to do before he can approach the situation. He then fixed it by hair-drying the pipes.... we need yet more lagging.

I think it's just that this house is so old and they are simply not equipped (round these parts) to deal with -14 degrees.... c'est pas normal!

Anyway, it's pretty and I'm going back to bed.

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